OP Stack → Many chains, one choice. Single shared sequencer. Centralized MEV distribution. Protected by Laws and Governance.

25 Jul 2023, 22:15
TL;DR: OP Stack Many chains, one choice. Single shared sequencer. Centralized MEV distribution. Protected by Laws and Governance. ZK Stack Many chains, many choices. Pick your own sequencer. Handle MEV your way. Protected by Math and Code. We are not the same. It was bound to happen not only due to the cultural differences between the projects, but because technologically, single shared sequencer is the only thing that can make seamless interoperability between optimistic rollups feasible, from the UX and economic perspectives (because every chains need to validate transactions of every other chain or else wait 7 days for finality on L1). ZK chains, on the other hand, if they share a particular (small) set of circuits, can trust each other blindly relying on pure math. Designed in the right way, this enables them to transfer messages and tokens back in forth in seconds (because provers are becoming blazing fast), irrespective of who and how runs their sequencers.